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Nombre último episodio, EP 12

Nombre último episodio, EP 12


EP 01

with Samar Zakaria 

The STI system empowers facilities with a transparent, real-time view of their assets. With our integrated software, workers can instantly locate tools, check their status, and even receive automated task notifications. ​ This ensures that tools are always where they need to be and ready for operation...


Latest Episodes

EP 01

Smart tooling intralogistics with Samar Zakaria 

The STI system empowers facilities with a transparent, real-time view of their assets. With our integrated software, workers can instantly locate tools, check their status, and even receive automated task notifications. ​ This ensures that tools are always where they need to be and ready for operation. ​ Furthermore, our intralogistics trolleys, which are designed to move tools safely and efficiently, eliminate the manual hassles and potential damages that come with tool transportation.

11,04 mins

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